Saturday, February 7, 2009

Why Does Alabama Have A 13

Ciambelle, Krapfen e Cannoli da Bar con TM31

bagels, donuts



Back after an absence of more than two months into the magical world of food bloggers.
We propose a recipe that I found on Cookaforum and I thank the author and the entire forum.
The recipe was made with the Thermomix.


200 grams of flour 00,
60 grams of Manitoba flour, 1 egg
average of 30/35 gr,
30 grams of sugar,
30gr di olio di semi di mais,
140gr di latte bollente(x sciogliere i fiocchi di patate),
30gr di fiocchi di patate,
10gr di lievito fresco+2 cucchiai di latte(x sciogliere il lievito),
un cucchiaino di liquore a piacere, rhum o limoncello,
1bustina di vanillina,
1 pizzico di sale(meno di mezzo cucchiaino).


Riscaldare il latte e aggiungere i fiocchi di patate, mettere nel boccale gli ingredienti nel seguente ordine :lo zucchero, l'uovo, l'olio and yeast dissolved in two tablespoons of warm milk and let go for 15 sec. vel. 3. Add the flours, salt, vanilla and potato flakes dissolved in hot milk and warmed, set 1 min. and 30 sec. vel. Spiga.

L 'dough should be soft and elastic, place in a warm place to rise until it has doubled in volume.

Then roll out the dough to a thickness of 1 / 2 cm and shape of bombs and bun dough bowl with the aid of various sizes. Let rise again, then fry in hot oil and be careful because now take color. Pass the sugar and fill with Nutella Custard cream or to taste.


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