Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sangean Ant-60 Short Wave Antennausage

growth of vegetables ...

In the summer, cold pasta or rice I make enough often. It 's a dish fresh and that makes me feel a bit' on vacation even if they are not.
The idea of \u200b\u200bthis recipe, I had the ingredients I had in my fridge :-) But the result is like: dish tasty, fresh and colorful!

Ingredients for 4 people: 300 gr whole wheat pasta

10 basil leaves 2 sprigs of wild fennel
20 cherry tomatoes 1 yellow pepper

2 cans of tuna (or a piece of fresh tuna to sear in a little oil in a frying pan) 3 zucchini

olives 1 small piece of sharp provolone 1 cup of vinegar

extra virgin olive oil salt pepper

In una grande insalatiera raccogliere 10 foglie di basilico, il rametto di finocchietto tagliato a pezzetti, i pomodorini ciligia tagliati in quattro pezzi, il peperone lavato e tagliato a tocchetti piccoli, il tonno, le zucchine precedentemente scottate per 5 minuti in un piccolo pentolino con acqua e un bicchiere di aceto e tagliate poi a fiammifero, le olive, la provola piccante tagliata a dadini e la pasta cotta al dente in abbondante acqua salata (solo dopo averla scolata e messa sotto il getto dell'acqua fredda per un istante per fermare la cottura).

Aggiustare di sale, pepe ed olio e mescolare il tutto prima di servire.
Buon appetito!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Brazilian Wax How To Do It Diagram


From the title it seems that you are going to swallow a ton of calories .. But no!! does not appear, but these are zucchini diet, but dietary delicious .... For the preparation I did not use oil. Obviously a drop
Oil is good, but it sure put it raw after making the dish even more tasty ... I wanted to give color and flavor with spices and fresh basil ...
I tell you how I proceeded:
Ingredients for 4 / 5 round zucchini
300 g of cleaned cuttlefish already
3 onions
a clove of garlic a tablespoon of tomato
a spicy paprika
a pinch of ginger basil
water or vegetable broth salt and pepper
2 tablespoons of flour to thicken the whole.

First metterele to wash the zucchini and boil in salted water. Let them burn for at least 20 minutes, just cooked them cool, cut 2 cm below the stem and empty.
that removing the pulp is added to the sauce, now I will tell you how I did.
I put the squid, onions and garlic in a pot with enough high end, I added two tablespoons of water and fire have done quite busy simmering water. Then lower the heat and cover. Bake for 20 minutes.
the past 20 minutes, discover and add the paprika, pepper, ginger and basil (it's obvious that you can put any spice you want). Cook another 10 minutes by withdrawing the liquid that is in the pot, just before turning off the fire add the flour mixture and mix well.
Let cool and blend all in a food processor.
Fill the zucchini, previously empty, closed with his hat, and baked for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.
If you advance the compound do not worry, put some baking paper and pour into small molds to the rim as the final touch and a sprinkling of breadcrumbs.
Cook for 20 minutes more at 200 °, otherwise I recommend Keep an eye on burn ....
I hope I've said everything and it was quite preacisa.
Oh I forgot .... this recipe is a new experiment born from what I had in the fridge ...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Clean Penis With Peroxide

Sangria to go go the whole jam tarts

But here you can not make 'if it's summer or not ... Anyway to avoid mistakes let's enjoy a good sangria, even with ... I recommend you have it the day before giving it .. the fruit will take a whole ' different flavor .... I want to clarify that the recipe is a little plagiarized, but quietly took me from my ...

Serves 8 / 10 people about:
2 liters of red wine 750 ml of gas
a glass of cointreau
1 lemon (untreated)
2 oranges (untreated)
2-3 2 apples, peaches
50 grams of sugar
1 vanilla pod
2 cinnamon sticks 2 cloves

Wash and peel the peaches and apples and cut into small cubes.
Place the cut fruit in a bowl, add sugar and Cointreau and stir and cook for 1 hour. Rinse and scrub the lemons and oranges and cut into thin slices.
Place another large bowl and add the citrus spices (vanilla, cinnamon and cloves. Add the lemonade and citrus wine and let stand for 1 hour.
Remove spices and add fruit flavored (the apples and peaches) also add all the sauce that is made with Cointreau and sugar.
Place the sangria in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours before bringing it to the table and serve.

Dining Nook Colors For 2010

Yesterday, the weather is not the best Stao quell'arietta fresh and made me feel like cooking and experimenting ...
I found myself in the hands of the pack of whole wheat flour and the recipe on the back was full of tart jam ... I has lit the lamp of genius .... I immediately thought of the molds to be tart, poor things that were abandoned in a cabinet in the kitchen ...
I started making the pastry full .... sublimeeeeeeeee .... Simple, fast and very rustic recipe ....
Again I used the ingredients a little eye ... I do not know how much flour I used mica ..... ops ...
100 g wheat flour 40 g butter, softened 1 egg

a spoonful of sugar cane
blueberry jam or what most 'United
you like all the ingredients and create un'impasto quite compact.
Put it in plastic wrap and refrigerate for half an hour. Meanwhile
coated the molds with parchment paper.
After the half hour, place the dough in the molds and place a spoonful of jam.
Decorate as desired.
Bake at 200 ° ventilation for 25 minutes. (The furnace ovviamaente will already be at room temperature)
Let them cool very well and will certainly be very good for your breakfast or as a screen headed end of a meal with a sweet red wine. The superscription
dose is required to obtain three tarts ...

Friday, June 11, 2010

What Should I Wear Tommorow

Blueberry Granita Lemon

E 'got hot and the taste buds reclaim things fresh and tasty .. In this case only a few ingredients and a freezer ... Obviously it will be enough to change a single ingredient for a variety of flavors supreme .... In this case I used lemon, but my lovely boyfriend has already asked me preparagli granita with mint and cola, but I already have in mind to make strawberry, peach and grapefruit .. and to experiment with the texture of vegetables .. inspires me to carrots .....
So the ingredients are: sugar syrup for

450 ml water 100 g sugar cane
(I use the cane because it is less and the result is very good too ..) 3 lemons

Dissolve sugar in water and when you get a syrup, turn off the heat and let cool well .....
Meanwhile, peel the lemons, taking care to remove the Bena perte white is bitter and the seeds.
Blend the flesh with the blender until a thick cream that must be passed by a sieve with a dense network.
Add the filtered liquid to the cold syrup and freeze in place for at least 4 hours, mixing the mixture from time to time ..
will see that most spend more hours and take your body and flavor granita ..... Serve in bowls
well cooled and decorated with a slice of lemon .....
Unfortunately I have no photos because I have not had time to do it was already over!!
I'll do it again I realized !!!!! :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Color Trim With Burgundy Walls

back with a "Plumcake salted zucchini and prosciutto with asparagus

We're back.
In this period started again my travel abroad (work unfortunately) and then I do not have much time to devote to the kitchen.
Until September I will often "mama them Turks," Istanbul is my hometown Monday to Friday. I have already activated when you buy a turkish cookbook (in English and clear!) And before then I'll try some experiments
:-) But now I propose a salted plum that I tried to do last Sunday when there was the Formula 1 Grand Prix .. Already .. because when it comes to Sunday's GP, the appointment of Charles with the TV and the couch is irrevocable, so I take this opportunity to spend the afternoon in cucina.
Ecco l'occasione giusta per provare il nuovo stampo da plumcake.


10 cucchiai da minestra di farina autolievitante (ho usato la farina pronta per pizze focacce, altrimenti usare la farina bianca con una bustina di lievito secco per torte salate)
2 uova grandi
120 grammi di burro
un bicchiere di latte
un pezzetto di bitto (o casera)
un pezzetto di fontina valdostana
un pezzetto di galbanino
1 tazza da tea di parmigiano reggiano
100 grammi circa di prosciutto cotto a dadini
2 zucchine

Mettere tutti gli ingredienti nell'impastatrice (il kitchen aid รจ stato l'acquisto better than I did!) and knead for a few minutes (I recommend you soften the butter previously).

Line a loaf pan with baking paper.
Pour the mixture into our mold. Cover surface with a tablespoon of Parmesan cheese and bake for 45 minutes at 180 ° / 190 °
Serve warm.
Bon appetit!