Friday, May 21, 2010

How To Firm My Dog's Stool

and Leek Gratin of Belgian

turning a bit on the net I found on the site Philadelphia and I discovered how rich recipes moooooooooolto fast and tasty ... I was struck by this almost vegetarian gratin and I realized I have almost everything you need in the fridge ... then the game was almost done ...
During dinner, I and my Andrew, between mouthfuls, abbaimo found a lot of variations to the dish ... and I assure you were not vegetarian .... ihihihihih

Serves 2-4 people (depending on how hungry you are):
200g philadelphia light-chamber
4 heads of chicory
2 leeks
15 ml of milk
200 g of cooked ham (8 slices)
1 egg 2 slices
butter for buttering the baking dish with salt and pepper

Wash the Isalo removing hard outer leaves and spoiled. Clean the leeks, wash and cut in half. Boil vegetables in salted water for 15 minutes, drain and allow to drain well (the next time I will try the grilled vegetables.)
Once the vegetables are well drained and it has cooled, wrap each bush and each piece of leek in a slice of ham and place in buttered casserole dish.
philadelphia Mix with milk, breadcrumbs and egg sbattutao, salt and pepper and pour it on vegetables. Distributed on the surface of another pan grated and the two slices, coarsely chopped ...
Bake for 20 minutes at 200 ° + 5 grill.

Council to do so to cool for at least 10 minutes or if you want to burn your tongue, go ahead, but do not blame me ahhaha
Buon Appetito ...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Waxing Strips Already Made Ok For Genitals?

Zucchini soufflé

Here is a recipe I wanted to do for so long .... I finally did and ate a soufflé ..
Let's say I wanted to honor the first zucchini from the garden and I must say I have done his fair share ... I thought it was more 'difficult, I was wrong ... quick and easy ....

200 g courgettes 140 g of flour
fresh parmesan
400 ml of milk
vegetable oil 4 eggs
nutmeg butter and bread crumbs.

should be washed and pan-fried zucchini, I have the season with a little parsley and garlic and a knob of butter ... are soft and blend just put in a pan with some milk and let it dry.
For the sauce: combine the flour and vegetable oil until a creamy, at this point add the milk and continue to turn .. when everything is combined well light a fire, keep turning and you will see that just Turn off begins to boil .. add salt and nutmeg ..

At this point, add the sauce, zucchini, pamigiano (2 tablespoons) and slightly beaten egg yolks, mix well and let cool everything. At the end add the egg whites until stiff .. Pour into a mold which has been buttered and sprinkled with bread crumbs.
Bake at 200 degrees for 20 minutes without ever opening the door .. at the end of cooking turn the oven to 180 degrees and remove from the oven after 5 minutes ... Serve immediately ..
ps: I do not guarantee 100% that did not deflate at the end of cooking, but what is certain is that it will be very good ... especially the day after the cold .... ;)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Propellor Hat Brisbane

Butterfly full

The pasta dish is one of my favorites and try to do it with different sauces, but always fast (because of lack of time ... unfortunately).
This time we tried the whole wheat pasta (which I like very much because is always a little al dente!) with asparagus.

Serves 2

150 gr pasta integral

extra virgin olive oil to taste 15 asparagus

4 tablespoons Parmesan cheese 1 / 2 cup cream
1 / 2 onion 1 clove garlic

pepper salt

Put a warm salt water for the pasta. When boiling cook the pasta.
In the meantime, clean and wash the asparagus, cut into small pieces and cook by steaming. Now go
pocodi in a saucepan with extra virgin olive oil, a clove of garlic and onion cut into thin slices (if the appropriate salt). Finally, add the half cup of cream kitchen and continue on the fire for some minutes.
When the pasta is cooked, drain and serve with the sauce.
Add 4 tablespoons of Parmesan cheese and freshly ground pepper before serving.
Bon appetit!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Prepaid Legal Cancellation

Orange salad

This is a recipe (in theory Sicilian true Teresa?) But I have tasted in the home of a dear friend in Tuscany Veneto region :-) (That is in your own home!)
E 'salad is fresh and fast but nice effect that I prepared for dinner that we held Saturday evening.

Ingredients: 3 oranges

about 20 black olives extra virgin olive oil

salt Peel the oranges and cut into slices to live.
Cut the olives into small pieces.
Pour into a bowl and season with olive oil and salt.
Bon appetit!

Ps: any you can also add a red onion.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

China Bangs Hairstyles

TUNA (reminiscent of Sicily ...)

Saturday morning we woke up early and we decided to take a stroll to the market Fenegrò to go to buy fresh fish from the official supplier of Fabio and Vale :-).
We opted for two slices of grilled tuna to be done. But our vendor gave us a few more slices.
Arrived a casa, invece del tonno crudo, abbiamo optato per una pasta che mi ha ricordato molto i sapori siciliani e che sicuramente rifaremo.

Ingredienti per due persone

un trancio piccolo di tonno fresco
olio evo
due cucchiai da minestra di capperi sotto sale
20 olive nere
uno spicchio d'aglio
un peperoncino
150 grammi mezze maniche o rigatoni

Far rosolare in una padella con olio evo uno spicchio d'aglio ed un peperoncino.
Aggiungere i capperi e le olive e far cuocere per qualche minuto.

Aggiungere successivamente il trancio di tonno freshly cut into small pieces and cook for few minutes.

Drain the pasta and serve with the sauce.
Bon appetit!