Sunday, October 31, 2010

Revell Constitution Model Paint

I have never celebrated Halloween, and for the truth I did not even this year. But I do
sold in the pumpkin to be left on the doormat outside the front door and it was fun.

Click the "jobs" is something that I always like, and since Sunday it rained all day and want to go out was at a historical low in the afternoon we decided to engage in the creation of the "Halloween pumpkin" (actually the desire came after seeing the result of pumpkins made from my sister with the help of her friend's little girls: gorgeous!).
It 's easy (honestly I thought it was much more complicated ...) and the end result was excellent and striking!

Needed: an ornamental pumpkin (preferably round, mine was pretty long. It can be found now in almost all supermarkets in the days before the party)
1 2 1 pencil
candles or small candles

Clean the outside of the pumpkin with a sponge. Use a pencil to draw the cut at the top of the shell (a sort of zig zag), two eyes and a nose (triangle) and an irregularly shaped mouth. With a boxcutter
affect the first shell. Be very careful not to break the pumpkin. Once removed the cover to completely empty the filaments inside the pumpkin and seeds.
affecting its eyes, nose and mouth drawn previously.

Once you have done everything in place two candles or candles and light them. Replace the cover over the pumpkin and you're done!


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