Monday, October 18, 2010

Reliable Method For Tanning

chestnut jam Milk

Before I say anything I want to warn you that you have to be to make this jam well equipped with patience!!
This recipe has kept us committed itself to a full day .. Immediately after lunch we started with ratchet (our jeep) looking for a place to collect a lot of chestnuts.
It was not easy to find, in fact we had to climb quite a bit and do some off-road, before hearing the full bag:)
Towards evening we came back and it is true iniziatla preparation of jam.
First step: select the chestnuts, and then choose the ones with the tenant (buggy) and decide whether or not scattivarle .. (I have taken) I've washed. boiled in water and sugar for 30 minutes in a pressure cooker after that we have peeled a a, (given that they were 1.5 kg of chestnuts.)
In the end, when she had her hands stiff, we weighed and peeled chestnuts had become 900g! At this point I can tell you the ingredients to make a jam with 900g of boiled chestnuts and clean:

300g sugar 1 cup whole milk (I had the whole milk and Partially. Skimmed I added 10g of butter) Put a
very low heat caramelize the sugar with 10ml water.
Meanwhile, pour the hot milk and butter, the chestnuts.
Now add this mixture to the melted sugar and boil slightly. Spend it all with the blender .. Obviously, consistency will be to your liking, not my is completely smooth.
I do not know if you can imagine how many hours are used to prepare 4 jars, I just know that last night, I went to bed at one o'clock! ahahahaha


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