Sunday, November 16, 2008

Denise Milani Uncovered

Torta di Compleanno per Alessandra



Many congratulations to dear Ale, with a thank you very much for all the patience that day for me ... even a hug and a happy birthday.

The recipe is a coconut cake and Nutella.

Ingredients: 5 eggs

250 gr sugar, 100 grams of flour
50 grams of cocoa powder, 150 grams of flour
100 grams of corn oil, 100 gr
of milk, 1 packet of yeast
a pinch of salt.

Per farcire

un barattolo di nutella e farina di cocco.
Panna per dolci.

Decorazioni in mmf


Sbattere le uova con lo zucchero, e aggiungere poi tutti gli altri ingredienti.
Cuocere a 160° per circa 40 minuti, facendo la ” prova stecchino”, deve risultare asciutta ma non secca.
Lasciare raffreddare e dividere in due dischi, farcire con la nutella, e spolverare con farina di cocco. Ricoprire tutta la torta di panna e poi di mmf.

Wear Jockstrap With Boxers

Torta di Compleanno per Alessandra



Many congratulations to dear Ale, with a thank you very much for all the patience that day for me ... even a hug and a happy birthday.

The recipe is a coconut cake and Nutella.

Ingredients: 5 eggs

250 gr sugar, 100 grams of flour
50 grams of cocoa powder, 150 grams of flour
100 grams of corn oil, 100 gr
of milk, 1 packet of yeast
a pinch of salt.

Per farcire

un barattolo di nutella e farina di cocco.
Panna per dolci.

Decorazioni in mmf


Sbattere le uova con lo zucchero, e aggiungere poi tutti gli altri ingredienti.
Cuocere a 160° per circa 40 minuti, facendo la ” prova stecchino”, deve risultare asciutta ma non secca.
Lasciare raffreddare e dividere in due dischi, farcire con la nutella, e spolverare con farina di cocco. Ricoprire tutta la torta di panna e poi di mmf.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Do You Have To Register A Tent Trailer

Tronchetto di Castagne


Special thanks to the mother of Daniel (my roommate), who gave me this recipe Sunday ago and I wanted to give it a try. I assure you that is a real kindness, a little laborious preparation of the chestnuts, but it is really worth.

Ingredients: 1 kg

chestnut (net weight without skins),
250 grams of margarine, 400 grams of dark chocolate
200 grams of sugar,
15 macaroons.


Cook the chestnuts for about half an hour, peel them and pass them in the pass anything.
Add the margarine, leaving from 50 grams to be dissolved with half of chocolate, 200 grams of sugar, crushed macaroons, 200g of dark chocolate flakes. Mix well
giving the shape of a log and lay it on a plate with an elongated shape.
Also dissolve 200 grams of dark chocolate with the addition of the remainder of margarine and a tablespoon of milk, pour the mixture so obtained on the trunk. Store in refrigerator for longer storage you can easily freeze.

Bernardelli Gardone 22

Tronchetto di Castagne


Special thanks to the mother of Daniel (my roommate), who gave me this recipe last Sunday and I wanted to give it a try. I assure you that is a real kindness, a little laborious preparation of the chestnuts, but it is really worth.

Ingredients: 1 kg

chestnut (net weight without skins),
250 grams of margarine, 400 grams of dark chocolate
200 grams of sugar,
15 macaroons.


Cook chestnuts for half an hour, peel them and pass them in the pass anything.
Add the margarine, leaving by 50 g to melt half the chocolate, 200 grams of sugar, crushed macaroons, 200g of dark chocolate flakes. Mix well
giving the shape of a log and lay it on a plate with an elongated shape.
Also dissolve 200 grams of dark chocolate with the addition of the remainder of margarine and a tablespoon of milk, pour the mixture so obtained on the trunk. Store in refrigerator for longer storage you can easily freeze.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Pokemon Silver Gold Gameshark For Vba

Torte Varie


cake for my dear friend and colleague Tiziana

cake for birthday Filomena

The cake was commissioned by my colleague Frank's daughter Maila

What Do You Need With A Straight Razor

Torte Varie


cake for my dearest friend and Tiziana colleague

cake for birthday Filomena

The cake was commissioned by my colleague Frank's daughter Maila

Invitation Latter Kosovo

Pizzas, sandwiches and croissants with paste

Pizzetti, rolls and croissants

Hello to you all this recipe instead of the mythical Nanino of Cookaforum . With the doses are off about 30 pieces and I must say the pasta is very good. Many thanks to her for her recipes are always useful.

Buona preparazione a tutti.


500 gr. di farina di cui 250 00 e 250 Manitoba,
50 gr. di strutto,
35 gr. di zucchero,
20 gr. di sale,
1 cubetto di lievito da 25 gr,
220 gr. di acqua.
Farcitura a piacimento.


Sciogliere, il lievito nell'acqua e lo zucchero, aggiungere la farina, lo strutto, lavorare fino ad ottenere un composto omogeneo ed aggiungere infine il Compattare la pasta facendo una palla e far lievitare un’ora e mezza. Riprenderla e stenderla col mattarello ad uno spessore di mezzo cm e fare dei tondini. Put them all on baking paper, brush with the tomato and add the stuffing preferita.Spolverare with salt and extra virgin olive oil. With 'other part of the dough, make a half a centimeter round pastry, cut into triangles, stuff and roll giving the shape of croissants. With scraps of dough, roll into balls with which they have degl'ottimi sandwiches that will be left to rise for another hour. Then bake at 220 for 15-20 minutes.

Can You Bring A Camera To A Concert

Pizzette, panini e cornetti con pasta di Rosticceria

Pizzetti, rolls and croissants

Hello to you all this recipe instead of the mythical Nanino of Cookaforum . With the doses are off about 30 pieces and I must say the pasta is very good. Many thanks to her for her recipes are always useful.

Good preparation at all.

Ingredients: 500 gr

. flour in 2000 and 250 250 Manitoba,
50 gr. lard,
35 gr. sugar, 20 g
. salt, 1 cube
Yeast 25 gr, 220 gr
. of water. Garnishing
at will.


Dissolve yeast in water and sugar, add flour, lard, work to obtain a homogeneous mixture and then add the pasta to the Compact by a ball and let rise an hour and a half. Take it and roll with a rolling pin to a thickness of half a cm and then the rods. Put them all on baking paper, brush with the tomato and add the stuffing preferita.Spolverare with salt and extra virgin olive oil. With 'other part of the dough, make a half a centimeter round pastry, cut into triangles, stuff and roll giving the shape of croissants. With scraps of dough, roll into balls with which they have degl'ottimi sandwiches that will be left to rise for another hour. Then bake at 220 for 15-20 minutes.

Secret Life Favorite Outfits

gorgonzola and walnuts gorgonzola and walnuts


Ingredients for 4 people: 400 gr

Half sleeves
200 grams of Gorgonzola with mascarpone, a brick of
cream, milk
a knob of butter, nuts


Lightly brown the onion in the butter, add milk, and finally the gorgonzola cream.
Cook until mixture is creamy. Add chopped walnuts and pasta previously cooked in this preparation. Garnish with chopped walnuts.

How Long Does It Take To Look Anorexic

Rotisserie Half Sleeve Half Sleeve


Ingredienti per 4 persone:

400 gr di Mezze maniche,
200 gr di gorgonzola con mascarpone,
un brick di panna da cucina,
una noce di burro,
noci q.b,
mezza cipolla.


Imbiondire la cipolla con il burro, aggiungere il latte, il gorgonzola ed infine la panna da cucina.
Cuocere fino ad ottenere un composto cremoso. Aggiungere le noci tritate e condire la pasta precedentemente cotta con questo preparato. Decorare con pezzetti di noci.