Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Which Turbotax Do I Use For Home Daycare Business

Bentornati!!! con pasta acciughe e pane grattuggiato

First of all, many good wishes for the New Year!
With this first post of 2011 I will give you a super fast recipe for a pasta. These are pierced
fusilli with anchovies and breadcrumbs.
Tasty and ready in 10 minutes.

Serves 2:
150 grams of pasta (I used fusilli with holes)
6 anchovy fillets in oil
2 / 3 tablespoons dry bread crumbs (I make it with stale bread, oven roasted and grated) 2 cloves of garlic

extra virgin olive oil

Bring salted water to a boil and cook pasta.
In a frying pan, sauté two cloves of garlic with of 'extra virgin olive oil. Add the anchovy fillets and a few tablespoons of pasta cooking water. Continue cooking for a few minutes (it should dissolve the anchovies). Add a few tablespoons of dry bread crumbs and season the pasta.
Before serving you can add a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil is still raw and a little bread crumbs.

Bon appetit!


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